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We are carrying out valuations in this area.
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Kate Benjamin
Property Management Manager
02920 492355
Darlows Cardiff (Lettings)
101 Albany Road
CF24 3RT
Our office is located in the exciting hub of Roath on Albany Road, among numerous coffee houses, shops and restaurants. Nearby we have renowned the Roath Park always popular with visitors. We have great access to further afield attractions such as the Millenium Stadium and Cardiff City Stadium for your sporting needs, the Wales Millennium Centre to cater for any entertainment hungry visitors and the National Museum for those with a thirst for knowledge.
The information displayed about this property comprises a property advertisement. This property advertisement does not constitute property particulars. The information is provided and maintained by Darlows. Please contact the Darlows office directly to obtain full property particulars and any information which may be available under the terms of The Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007 and The Home Information Pack Regulations 2007.
The information displayed about this property comprises a property advertisement. This property advertisement does not constitute property particulars. The information is provided and maintained by Darlows. Please contact the Darlows office directly to obtain full property particulars and any information which may be available under the terms of The Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007 and The Home Information Pack Regulations 2007.