Darlows offers landlords a rent free period over Christmas

Darlows’ Lettings division is offering landlords a chance to get tenants in their properties over the Christmas and New Year period, in an effort to help dodge a potentially expensive unlet or ‘void’ period.
The ‘No Rent Event’ is a yearly event that is created with a sole purpose of offering hundreds of properties with a rent free period to potential tenants.
Please see our Q&A below with Operations Director Paul Sloan below for further information on this event.
1. What is the No Rent Event?
The No Rent Event is a campaign designed to attract interest from tenants. At certain times of year it’s very important to make property available for rent stand out from the crowd.
2. When is the No Rent Event taking place?
The event takes place in December.
3. How is it decided when the ‘rent free’ period will be, do I get a say?
We select a time that we think will maximise interest. This will be when we feel that tenants require an extra incentive. As a landlord you’ll get complete control over the time your property is marketed in this way and obviously, any offers have to be accepted by you.
4. How long does the ‘rent free’ period last?
It usually lasts 2 weeks but it can be extended or shortened if you wish.
5. Does it affect my rental income?
It will but only when offering the rent free period. After that, you will receive rent as normal.
6. How will it be promoted?
This campaign will be advertised heavily; both online and offline, and our branch teams will be working hard to reach as many potential tenants as they can to promote it.
7. How will you reach my target tenant?
Your property will be advertised with the pre-agreed rent free period; the properties with this benefit will be heavily promoted in our branches.
8. How do I get one of my properties involved in the event?
Just speak to your local branch team. They will be happy to help.
9. Is there a limit on how many of my properties I can promote in the event?
You can promote as many properties as you like under this initiative.
10. Do you promote existing properties in the event or just new ones?
Any property that is available to rent can be promoted.
11. What happens if my property still hasn’t found a tenant by the end of the event?
You will be contacted by your local agent with marketing advice and will then be able choose to continue offering this benefit to tenants to make your property more attractive if you wish.
12. How/How often will I be kept up to date on the progress of my property during the event?
You will receive regular updates with marketing advice and feedback on viewings throughout the event.
13. How can I find out more about the No Rent Event?
Simply ask your local branch more about the event. They will be happy to answer any questions that you have.
Get in touch with your local Darlows branch if you’re a landlord who wants more information on this initiative.
Branches are available by telephone from 8am to 10pm seven days per week.